Sunday, 8 August 2010

Hi guys
Looking forward to returning home and being able to share all the stories with you in the next couple of days but just thought I'd let you know about our day yesterday. We had the privilege of attending the church service which was magnificently lead and extremely powerful impacting everyone in ways we have never seen before. Then after a much deserved and hard earned rest in the afternoon we had our farewell in the evening. This was a special time to bond more and give improptu musical performances that would never have been imagined in England and created a great atmosphere of openness and hilarity. However after the evening drew to a close it was hard to say goodbye with everyone becoming very emotional and welling up, however it will be great to see all of you back home and and maybe see the guys out here again some time.
Please continue to pray for our safety in travel back home.

Friday, 6 August 2010

Just to update you about our time yesterday, yet again it was a very challenging day helping the IT staff. Firstly we were given the privilege of sitting in on their alternative learning system where the street youths are educated which was a real joy as the members were so joyful and welcoming. This was then followed in the afternoon by a prayer time for the staff which highlighted many of the problems they face and allowed us to understand more of the work that they do. However the real hard time came when half the team went of to Sucat to provide medical assistance and from the stories found it challenging but also were rewarded with kindness and joy. While this was happening the rest of us stayed at the Tender base where we prepared the food for the feeding program and also ministered to some local street kids who invaded playing games with them. This was particularly tough as they could not understand the fact that we did not speak Tagalog and connecting with them through conversation became incredibly challenging.
However it was when we all when to Sucat for our final ministry that we experienced the most problems, saying goodbye to the children when they knew we would not be coming back was heart breaking and having to turn some away from food was a really horrible experience. However spending what little time we did with them was great and we really connected with them over the days we were there blessing them in so many ways.
Today we are off to help with the Batang Krayola and are greatl looking forward to this, your continued support as always is extremely valued.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Wow, what a day, completely drained emotionally and physically after a hard days work of mission. Returned once again to Sucat to lead the ministry but we were also able to go and visit the slum "houses" which was completely eye opening and harrowing to see. Having to hear how 12 people share a shack that has just two rooms is hard to imagine and hear about but also hearing how someone could charge 500 peso's a month for a similar experience is sickening. It was tough for me and I was very close to breaking down as were many others. However seeing the joy and openess gives a different perspective to our lives and how we live in the UK.
A much happier experience was leading the night life ministry again where we could once more bond with the children and help touch their lives even providing medical care when needed. Their happiness when we sang songs and taught them games was brilliant to see and their reaction to us giving them new clothes was a real joy and made the day. Thank you all for donating unwanted items of clothing as they made a real difference and will continue to do so.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Two day catch up

Sorry for the lateness of this post but slow internet and a flood have got in the way of communication. However both these aspects have enabled us to experience more of the culture and way of life out here. Anyway to catch you up on what we have be doing- on the Tuesday we once again went over to the Tender ministry and helped with their preparations for the slum ministry and night life ministry to the Rugby boys (a group of drug addicted youths.) However due to heavy rain we were denied the opportunity to revisit the Sucat area but instead visited a a slum community built around old electricity pylons near the Tender base. This was an incredibly eye opening scene with more than 130 people all crowded into this old wooden shack. However yet again the people were so welcoming and happy and seemed oblivious to the poverty they experienced treating it just as a part of life. Moreover they were incredibly keen to hang out and play with us with a few members joining into to play basketball with them. Then in the evening we ministered to the rugby boys by teaching them bible stories, games, sharing testimonies and feeding them- once again their reaction to their situation was incredible with not complaining and all of them being so happy and friendly. I am sure that we learnt just as much from them as they did from us.
In contrast to the business of Tuesday was our relaxtion and bonding day yesterday at the waterpark with both teams out here. This was a great time to hang out and have fun with the team and learn more about them and the work they are doing out here. However what should have been a relaxing and short day was made a little longer and stressful by the storm that we became caught up in. This caused complete gridlock everywhere and turned our hour long coach ride back into a six and a half hour journey. However even in this situation we were able to find blessing by a stop off to buy food in a petrol station where we took the opportunity to bond with the guys out here and enjoyed some great discussions about their lives and the work they are doing out here while being able to share some of our own experiences.
We are all still very much enjoying this trip and looking forward to the rest of the work to be done and are finding blessings everywhere we go. We would however appreciate prayer for the weather out here- that it stays nice for us to be able to do all we can and help out in ministry in all areas and not miss out on key areas of the trip where we would be able to help and bless those out here.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Slum ministry

Dear all
Today we visited the IT Tender ministry team and were given another enthusiastic welcome and the opportunity to help them with their activities. After being given the orientation we helped prepare the food for tonight's feeding program in the slum area of Sucat, Metro Manila which was a real blessing to those on the team who were able to enjoy a much deserved rest. Then after this we went out to Sucat to minister to the malnourished children there. This was such a treat but so heartbreaking to see young children in such a malnourished and impoverished state and the slum community backdrop highlighted the plight of all those on the streets in Manila. However despite their situation the children were overjoyed to see us and never complained about their condition, rather took time to pose for countless photographs and administer hugs to all the team. This made the trip so much more humbling when we thought of ourselves and kids in England who would not be this open and uncomplaining. We are all looking forward to returning tommorow and recounting more stories of our time there.

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Catch up

Hi guys
Sorry that it's been a while since the last post but there has been hardly any time to catch up in a hectic couple of days. However for those who have been worried everything is still going great with the everyone on the team getting on well and bonding well with the members of the YM team and the IT staff. Having been given the great opportunity of leading the Batang Krayola kids ministry on the Saturday we were all extremely touched by the happiness and enthusiasm of the children and how open they were, we hope that they got as much out of the day as we did. Then in the evening we helped lead the youth ministry for 13-19 year olds which gave us another great opportunity for bonding and allowed us to hear so many emotional and incredible stories of not just the difference between her and the UK but also of the work already happening and being done here. Not only were the stories incredibly touching but again it was the openness that was a real blessing and the reception we were given for our less emotional and trying stories. However it was a real blessing to hear the stories to understand more of the situation over here and help us evaluate what is important in our lives and how we can help others around the world. This busy Saturday wa sfollowed by a great Sunday where we partook in the church service which was brilliant for the enthusiasm and lack of reservation throughout and again the people's friendliness was a real blessing to us making us feel like we belong. Then in the afternoon we had an improptu bonding session with the YM team teaching each songs and games and just continuing to worship even after the church service which yet again was a real blessing and very refreshing in comparison to a normal Sunday afternoon in the UK.
We are having a really great time and are still looking forward to the work to come in the next few days as we go out with the Tender ministry staff and help out in the slums and the feeding programmes of the severly malnourished.
As always your suppoprt and prayers are encouraged and we hope to be able to recount more great stories to you.