Sunday, 1 August 2010

Catch up

Hi guys
Sorry that it's been a while since the last post but there has been hardly any time to catch up in a hectic couple of days. However for those who have been worried everything is still going great with the everyone on the team getting on well and bonding well with the members of the YM team and the IT staff. Having been given the great opportunity of leading the Batang Krayola kids ministry on the Saturday we were all extremely touched by the happiness and enthusiasm of the children and how open they were, we hope that they got as much out of the day as we did. Then in the evening we helped lead the youth ministry for 13-19 year olds which gave us another great opportunity for bonding and allowed us to hear so many emotional and incredible stories of not just the difference between her and the UK but also of the work already happening and being done here. Not only were the stories incredibly touching but again it was the openness that was a real blessing and the reception we were given for our less emotional and trying stories. However it was a real blessing to hear the stories to understand more of the situation over here and help us evaluate what is important in our lives and how we can help others around the world. This busy Saturday wa sfollowed by a great Sunday where we partook in the church service which was brilliant for the enthusiasm and lack of reservation throughout and again the people's friendliness was a real blessing to us making us feel like we belong. Then in the afternoon we had an improptu bonding session with the YM team teaching each songs and games and just continuing to worship even after the church service which yet again was a real blessing and very refreshing in comparison to a normal Sunday afternoon in the UK.
We are having a really great time and are still looking forward to the work to come in the next few days as we go out with the Tender ministry staff and help out in the slums and the feeding programmes of the severly malnourished.
As always your suppoprt and prayers are encouraged and we hope to be able to recount more great stories to you.

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